Browsing: Ufo

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Rep. Eric Burlison (R-Mo.) asked for a House select committee on unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAPs) on Tuesday, leading a bipartisan group of lawmakers demanding answers from the Pentagon on the unknown flying objects. UAPs first became an issue in Congress last summer after a series of hearings featured whistleblowers who alleged that the government was hiding…

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Well, I guess Han Solo should be more careful where he parks his spaceship from now, since Swedish treasure hunters just recently found an unidentified object beneath the Baltic seas which portrays an uncanny resemblance to Star Wars’ most iconic of spaceships. The whole find occured while the Ocean Explorer team, led by researcher Peter […]

– 201108Mayan Prophecies Crop Circles

Crop circles have always been an important weapon in any conspiracy theorist’s arsenal, certain to be mentioned alongside UFOs, green aliens or reptilians. Since 1970, tens of thousands of crop circles have been reported around the world, most amateur hoaxes, while some are so intricately built that they even baffle scientists. In this month’s edition […]

– 201104guy hottel1

In a surprising move that didn’t get quite a lot of attention, the FBI released an online document archive they’re calling the Vault, in which they openly address, among other things, the alleged aliens and flying saucers found at Roswell. Yes, it’s about little green men, like the ones who are usually portrayed in movies. […]

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It was Thursday night when locals from Norway started to notice a strange, rotating light that just baffled them. It was visible long enough to be seen, photographed and recorded by half of country. The blue light seemed to appear from behind the top of a mountain; it rose, began to spin, then began to […]