Browsing: Trump administration

– 202207trumpdonald pencemike 072122ap mark humphrey jeff dean split trump pence

An organization against former President Trump’s reelection is launching a substantial ad campaign to promote former Vice President Pence’s decision not to endorse his previous boss and two-time running mate. Republican Voters Against Trump, which is backed by the Republican Accountability PAC, is advocating for a digital ad and billboard ads to highlight Pence’s refusal…

– 202309Donald Trump Mark Milley

Former President Trump called retired Gen. Mark Milley, former chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, a “loser” on Wednesday after a hearing on the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. “Mark Milley is a loser who disgraced us in Afghanistan and elsewhere!” Trump stated in a Truth Social post. This is not the first time…

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The League of Conservation Voters, a major left wing advocacy group and funder, will put a whopping $120 million into the 2024 election cycle, the group announced Tuesday.  The $120 million from the conservation group’s Victory Fund is the most it has ever invested in an election cycle. It puts the total spending from outside…

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Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), who chairs the Senate Finance Committee, is condemning former Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin for his effort to purchase the social media platform TikTok.  “I don’t see how America will be any more secure if the next owner of TikTok is a MAGA Trump crony backed by Saudi Arabia’s sovereign wealth fund,”…

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Mick Mulvaney, who served as acting White House chief of staff in the Trump administration, attacked retired Gen. John Kelly for reportedly recounting several conservations in which former President Trump allegedly spoke favorably about Adolf Hitler and his ability to inspire loyalty within his military. Kelly – who served as Trump’s White House chief of…