Browsing: Tree

– 201009talking tree

Well the title is a bit deceiving, so let me clear this out a bit: this 100 year old Belgian tree doesn’t talk, in the old fashioned way. He does however, run a website, have a few thousand facebook friends and he tweets pretty often. I’ve gotta tell you, I absolutely loved this idea ! […]

– 200909090915 tree electricity 02

You’re not going to power too many devices with electricity from trees. But it is a very interesting phenomenon.

– 200811plant a tree

The city administration of Balikpapan (in East Kalimantan) has issued a new rule which will definitely please those interested in our planet’s “health”. Each couple has to plant a tree before they can marry. Basically, if don’t plant a tree, you don’t get the marriage license. “We have made it mandatory for those wanting to […]