Browsing: Survey

– 202403scotus abortion 032624ar11 w

Women living in states where abortion is restricted or banned are more likely to report that either they or someone they know had difficulty accessing abortion services, according to a new survey published Friday from health research group KFF.  Nearly two years after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and eliminated federal constitutional protections…

– 201103vacation on the moon

I had some good laughs reading data from a survey published last week that outlined the blurred perspective between science and science fiction for some Britons (one in five believed light sabers were real). Today, I ran into another online survey that posed some laughs conducted by a British online travel agency in which people […]

– 201001005 isopod crustacean

The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) published some quite awesome pictures showing that Antarctica isn’t the lifeless frozen wasteland most people believe it to be; ice fish, octopus, sea pigs, giant sea spiders, rare rays and gorgeous basket stars all thrive in the extreme temperatures in Antarctica’s waters. Well, thrive is perhaps a too strong word, […]