Browsing: Software

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University of Nottingham researchers are currently involved in synthetic biology project, whose scope and prospects are so ambitious, that if successful it will completely revolutionize the field of science. Their aim – developing programmable cellular life which can work as an “operating system.” Currently, scientists are looking studying how to make the E. coli bacteria […]

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Just a few days ago I was telling you about the APOD Wallpaper software, that automatically changes when a picture is uploaded to APOD. This time, the software is a bit different. It has to be said, some of the best pictures and wallpapers ever have been posted on National Geographic, but downloading them is […]

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In case you don’t know, APOD is short for Astronomy Picture Of the Day. It’s home of some awesome astronomy pictures. Anyway, recently I came across this software that takes the latest APOD picture and sets is at your background, so you can see these great images each day, without lifting a finger. It also […]