Browsing: Social security

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Voters in swing states are overwhelmingly supportive of taxing billionaires to support Social Security benefits, a new survey found. More than three-fourths — 77 percent — of voters across seven key swing states approved of the idea of raising taxes for billionaires to extend the life of Social Security, according to the Bloomberg News/Morning Consult…

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Social Security Administration (SSA) commissioner Martin O’Malley warned that raising the retirement age for the program would disproportionately hurt blue-collar workers, the day after the Republican Study Committee (RSC) released a proposal to raise the age. The RSC, which comprises nearly 80 percent of House Republicans, released a budget proposal on Wednesday that would raise…

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President Biden’s reelection campaign on Wednesday argued that the Republican Study Committee’s (RSC) budget proposal was pulled straight from former President Trump’s wish list for another term. The group, which comprises nearly 80 percent of all House Republicans, called for raising the retirement age for those not near retirement “to account for increases in life expectancy” in…