Browsing: Shorties

– 201107stick insect

The Timena genus is remarkable from numerous points of view; they are walking stick insects which have been around for almost two million years, out of which for the last 1.5 million years they have been asexual. Biologists from the Simon Fraser University wanted to find out exactly what is it about this celibate insect […]

– 201011siberian tiger 77

“A tiger is a large-hearted gentleman with boundless courage and when he is exterminated – as exterminated he will be unless public opinion rallies to his support – India will be the poorer by having lost the finest of her fauna” So said Jim Corbett, a man whose fate was bound to that of the […]

– 201004gross cheseburger

According to a recent study published by the American Journal of Public Health, health insurers are among the top investors in major fast food chains. Ironically, these companies invest nearly 2 billion dollars per year in companies closely linked with heart and vasculary diseases. “The insurance industry, so far as it seeks to make a […]

– 201003ice moon

Employing the help of the Mini-SAR instrument (a lightweight, synthetic aperture radar), NASA managed to find more than 40 craters covered with ice. Despite the fact that the craters are relatively small, it’s estimated that there is about 600 million metric tons in that area. “The emerging picture from the multiple measurements and resulting data […]