Browsing: Quantum Computers

– 201108Data center

IBM recently made public its intentions of developing what will be upon its completion the world’s largest data array, consisting of 200,000 conventional hard disk drives intertwined and working together, adding to 120 petabytes of available storage space. The contract for this massive data array, 10 times bigger than any other data center in the […]

– 201105fast quantum computers

It’s amazing where computer science is heading to, and with quantum computing getting more and more popular, the trend of evolving towards smaller and smaller scales has just reached another level – an atomic level. Gerhard Rempe at the Max Planck Institute of Quantum Optics in Garching have stored quantum information in a single atom! […]

– 201104quantum computer

The laws of quantum physics are strange, but they do allow some pretty awesome stuff, which wouldn’t otherwise be possible in our day to day life. Perhaps one of the most interesting developments they could bring come from the world of quantum computers. The fact that researchers have successfully teleported light without losing information could […]

– 201103qubit

Quantum computers – closer thank you think   The microprocessors used today are absolutely amazing on their own; it seemed, and for good reason, that there was little we could do to improve them. If anything was to top microprocessors, it would have to be something from a totally different league, which is just down […]