Browsing: Lunar Eclipse

– 201112091213 geminids geminid meteor shower tonight big

Heralded by NASA as the best meteor shower of the year, the annual Geminid skyline spectacle is set to peak tonight, part of a show that shouldn’t be missed. Passionate night gazers, however, will have to battle low temperatures and a bright sky, lit by the passing full moon. The  Geminids are expected to streak across […]

– 201112eclipse jharrison.photoblog900

This Saturday, not even the early hours of dawn, nor the chilly, foggy weather discouraged passionate viewers to witness one of the most dazzling sights of the year – a total lunar eclipse which cast much of southern hemisphere in a shroud of delight. It was the last of the year, and in quite a […]

– 201112total lunar eclipse 2008

Lunar eclipses are one of the most dazzling sights you’ll ever have the chance of experiencing, though unfortunately they are rather rare events. Next week, on December 10, North American western residents will be able to experience the rare beauty of a total lunar eclipse – for some just a one in a lifetime opportunity. A […]

– 201111solar eclipse

Well 2011 is nearing its end, and the last solar eclipse of the year will put on quite a show for some people in the Southern hemisphere on Friday (Nov 25), but American shouldn’t bother raising their eyes from the Thanksgiving plates. According to NASA, the partial solar eclipse will only be visible to people […]

– 201012geminid 2009

The strangest meteor shower one can observe every year is almost upon us. Geminids is the only meteor shower that isn’t caused by a passing comet, but rather by an asteroid; the meteors are slow moving and pretty bright, making them a perfect target not only for astronomy afficionados, but for everybody who want’s to […]