Browsing: Iceland

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A volcanic eruption in Iceland sent the country into a state of emergency overnight Sunday morning as lava flows barreled towards and narrowly missed the 3,800-person town of Grindavik.  The eruption marked the fourth in three months on the Reykjanes Peninsula in Iceland’s southwest. Iceland’s Meteorological Office said the eruption began overnight, with a nearly…

– 201105grimsvoln 110523

Taken at distances as small as 1 kilometer, these pictures of Grimsvotn (the volcano that erupted recently in Iceland) reveal how beautiful and terrifying at the same time volcanic eruptions can be. Blending smoke and ash with lightning, the pictures are truly breathtaking. They were taken by Johann Ingi Jonsson, an amateur photographer […]

– 201104volcano magma chamber 1

Volcanoes have fascinated human beings since the dawn of time; thankfully, now we know enough not to think of them as powerful earth/fire gods, but to understand them as the magnificent phenomena they are. However, there are still many things we still haven’t been able to figure out them, and even if we would have, […]

– 201103europe iceland

Iceland is definitely one weird country; it is extremely rich in geothermal and volcanic energy, and has access to a significant quantity of fish, but other than that, resources are extremely scarce. At the end of 2008, the economy collapsed, with all major banks going bankrupt. Since then, they have been desperately trying to rise […]