Browsing: Exploration

– 201103Space fuelling station

A lot of critics are raving towards the end of the space exploration age, as aerospace budgets get ever thinner, shuttle programs get retired or the fact that the lunar surface has remained unscratched by human hand for years and years. Where governments might fail, however, one can always put faith in the ever much […]

– 201004barack obama 1

Barack Obama came out and said that it should be possible for NASA to send astronauts to Mars and bring them back safely by the mid 2030s. The US president said this while explaining the details of his plans with the US space agency at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. Mister Obama has set […]

– 201003kodiak

I don’t know about you but I was thrilled to find out Natural Geographic was launching another baby, dedicated to wildlife; and no, the bulk of the programms won’t consist of old material just put on a different chanel. “We’re going to make it a very distinct channel. We are going to target promotion on […]