Browsing: Bill Cassidy

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Treasure Secretary Janet Yellen argued Thursday for President Biden’s budget proposal, which features tax increases for the wealthiest Americans and an expanded child tax credit. During a Senate Finance Committee hearing on the president’s budget proposal, Yellen also mentioned that the Biden administration will “continue to oppose misguided proposals that will grow the deficit…

– 202211Bill Cassidy ap

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) said in a Sunday interview that he is not running on a third-party presidential ticket with the political organization No Labels. In an interview on NBC News’s “Meet the Press,” Cassidy said he doesn’t think he was ever seriously under consideration to join a bipartisan ticket with No Labels, a group…

– 202403MixCollage 17 Mar 2024 10 28 AM 7210

Sens. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) and Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), in Sunday interviews, would not say whether they would endorse former President Trump’s bid for the White House. Rounds, in an interview on CNN’s “State of the Union,” avoided explicitly endorsing former President Trump but did commit to supporting the eventual nominee – who, at this point,…