Browsing: Autism

– 201110CT Adolphs PNAS Autism 1

For most of us, many of the actions we undertake are made while taking into account how others perceive them. Sociologists call it the “theory of the mind”, and it’s the innate ability we have developed, as social beings, to form a personal social reputation – basically, we care what other think of us and […]

– 201105autism awareness

Autism is still yet poorly understood, and researchers are just starting to figure out the mechanisms behind this strange condition which seems to affect more and more children (and not only) with each passing year. A 6 year autism study The ambitious six year effort attempted to gauge the rate of autism in a South […]

– 201103Kaspar austistic robot

Pictured on the left is Eden Sawczenko, an autistic four year girl from Stevenage, that has had a lot of problems bonding with other children, not being able to understand emotions and actually frawining upon them. Her best friend in the world is Kaspar, a very friendly human-like, child-sized robot built by scientists from University […]

– 201009autism wide

I recently came across a great article written by The Atlantic which I strongly suggest you read, about the first man who was diagnosed with autism. Now 77 years old, Donald Triplett has had quite a life ! He is a damn good golf player and has visited over 30 countries in his life, went […]

– 200801autism 2

According to wikpiedia, Autism is a brain development disorder that impairs social interaction and communication, and causes restricted and repetitive behavior, all starting before a child is three years old. It is very heritable, although the genetics of autism are complex and it is generally unclear which genes are responsible. A study showed that previously […]