Browsing: Allergy

– 201005allergy wheel

A new study has shown that most people who think they have food alergies (over 80% in fact) actually don’t suffer from such problems. This has taunted some doctors for years and years, and AOL Health looked into this misdiagnosis. The study concluded that it is in fact a number of factors that lead to […]

– 201001149306

There are weird lawsuits you can understand, and then there are just weird lawsuits. If you find this sort of things interesting, you gotta listen to this: a man from Santa Fe filed a half a million dollars trial against his neighbor for using and iPhone and other wireless devices that trigger his ‘electrocmegnetic allergies’. […]

– 200710cat and dog

Pets do more than it may appear for their owners: they teach us a lot about unconditional love, responsibility, death and, of course, pooper scoopers. But aside from that they probably keep a child from developing allergies rather than causing it. This is not yet a scientific certainty, but the idea that pets might […]