Browsing: Al Gore

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Former Vice President Al Gore expressed sadness about the increase of "artificial insanity" affecting U.S. democracy while speaking at the funeral of his former presidential running mate, former Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.). While giving sympathy and support following Lieberman's death on Wednesday, Gore on Friday cautioned about the "rancor" causing division in the country and…

– 201108al gore

Whether you like him or not, you have to admit that he has been fighting for a noble and important cause for years now. Global warming is one of the greatest challenges we have to handle as a species, and it won’t be easy at all. Even as it is, it’s hard to change things […]

– 201011cool it movie poster

When Al Gore’s famous documentary film “An Inconvenient Truth” was released it was intended to sensify the public towards the impeding danger of global warming. What it did in turn was to sprout panic and institute panic worldwide by stating that only an immediate, draconian response will save our planet from almost certain doom. Of […]

– 200807goreforgod

Who isn’t paying attention when Al Gore is talking? The impact he has on people from America and all around the world is just huge, hard to comprehend. He’s probably no saint, but he doesn’t have to be. Due to what he promotes, he managed to promote and help “green” ways of living, giving a […]