
– 201112trillion fps camera

How fast can your camera shoot? 60 frames per second, maybe 100? If you’ve got a good one, maybe 1000, or maybe you’re super pro and you shoot 10.000 fps. Puh-lease! The new MIT camera shoots at 1 trillion fps – that’s frames every second ! Think of it this way: 1 trillion seconds […]

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– 201203pets

Neurons are the absolute core components of the nervous system that transmit information through electrical and chemical signals. I once wondered how neural activity might sound like, and I imagined something like a huge gridline sprinkled with electricity bolts though out. I didn’t know about the SpikerBox, back then, though. It’s a gadget, developed by educational […]

– 201203Neil deGrasse Tyson

An emotional video collage of talks made by Neil Degrasse Tyson dissing the current poor attention NASA has been receiving, financially-wise, from the US government has recently hit YouTube, which can also be seen embedded above. His speeches on the subject are powerful, to say the least, and addresses the concerning issue that once with […]

– 201104vervet monkey

It comes as a surprise to most people to see just how smart and human-like most monkeys are; alcohol consumption is no exception, it seems. BBC released a video which shows the Caribbean Vervet monkeys developing a taste for cocktails, which they steal whenever they can. They drink, and they act… like pretty much every […]

– 201104quantum computer

The laws of quantum physics are strange, but they do allow some pretty awesome stuff, which wouldn’t otherwise be possible in our day to day life. Perhaps one of the most interesting developments they could bring come from the world of quantum computers. The fact that researchers have successfully teleported light without losing information could […]

– 201103japan epicenter map

The 9.0 (it seems this is the actual magnitude) earthquake that hit Japan on the 11th of March created an absolutely incredible number of aftershocks, some of which were pretty intense on their own. However, a few days before it, as stress built up the subduction area between the Pacific and North American plates, one […]

– 201103beer bottle octopus

Someone’s thrash is another one’s treasure – this old saying has an entirely different meaning for an octopus. The little guy found a beer bottle on the seafloor, and it’s just big enough that it can squeeze in and out – though why you would want to come out of a beer bottle after you […]

– 201103carl sagan

In case you have no idea who Carl Sagan is… well, you should, basically. Carl Sagan is one of those men who brought science to the people, making numerous fields such as astronomy, astrophysics, exobiology, and many, many more accessible for the masses. He published more than six hundred research papers and popular science works, […]

– 201103sts 124 satellite

NASA isn’t going through its best period, but it’s not all bad for the American space agency; just recently, they successfully attached a contact microphone and video camera to one of the solid rocket boosters and recorded the launch. The sounds and video that are recorded show how it enters space, separates from the shuttle […]