
– 201112persian leopard

Camera traps positioned in the rocky terrain from Afghanistan recently caught surprising photographs of a Persian leopard, a top predator, but which was long thought extinct from the area. However, this series of images shows beyond the shadow of a doubt that the predator is still, against all odds, alive and kicking. But sadly, despite […]

– 201111fukang 187 2

You’re probably wondering what a Pallasite is; well Pallasites are is a type of iron meteorite, quite rare, made out of large olivine crystals in an iron-nickel matrix – and they look just fabulous. Olivine is a a magnesium iron silicate quite common in our planet’s subsurface, but which weathers fast when exposed to the surface. […]

– 201105418264139 f88fe9e95d

Ever wondered why you never see bats flying in the rain? Well, maybe you’ve seen some skimming through trees in parks on light rain,  but that’s probably the most you’ll see. A new study published in Biology Letters yesterday tries to shed some light on why this exactly happens, the answer being that they have […]

– 201104quantum computer

The laws of quantum physics are strange, but they do allow some pretty awesome stuff, which wouldn’t otherwise be possible in our day to day life. Perhaps one of the most interesting developments they could bring come from the world of quantum computers. The fact that researchers have successfully teleported light without losing information could […]

– 201104building china1

This isn’t news, as it happened two years ago, but it’s just mind blowing. This almost finished 13 story high building in Shanghai collapsed like a domino piece, and if others were built closer to it, the domino effect would be complete. This gives kind of a whole new meaning to the whole ‘made in […]

– 201103google body browser

You should know that Google has a sort of Google Maps application, only it’s not for real maps, but for the human body. It’s a pretty awesome and nifty tool, especially if you’re into anatomy at a basic or intermediate level, or if you have problems visualizing the human body, or even if you’re just […]

– 201102saint of the internet

I have to say ladies and gents, I don’t understand the church – and to be quite honest, I don’t intend to understand it. I don’t know if every saint has to be the saint of something, if there’s some sort of rule concerning this, and I won’t research it – because I don’t think […]

– 201101wikipedia logo

Say what you want about some articles or about the whole site in general, but Wikipedia is absolutely awesome; and the fact that they are ad free only contributes to their awesomeness. As you might know, in order to remain ad free, they appeal to people for donations. Founder Jimmy Wales said this year’s (actually […]