
– 201110three eyed fish

If you’re a Simpsons fan, then you probably know about Blinky, the three-eyed fish found near the nuclear plant where Homer Simpson was working. As it turns out, the Simpsons were right yet again, as fishermen in Córdoba, Argentina caught a three-eyed wolf fish in a reservoir fed by a local nuclear power plant. As, […]

– 201109tension vs gravity

The Slinky is one of the most popular toys in the world, being used by children in the playroom and NASA scientists trying to demonstrate physical principles, alike. Surprisingly or not, slinky springs are filled with even more secrets of physics besides simple energy and momentum releases. For example, in these two incredibly entertaining videos […]

– 201109Lottie Williams space junk

In January, 1997 Lottie Williams was strolling through a park in Tulsa, Oklahoma with her friends around 3:30 AM, when a dashing fireball appeared over the sky, much to the promenaders’ admiration. Moments later, Williams was hit in the shoulder by a small piece of fabric-like metal that weighed as much as an empty soda can. […]

– 201109india pakistan border

Taken from outer space, this dazzling picture shows that the border between India and Pakistan unlike it has ever been seen before. The stunning picture taken from the International Space Station also shows busy cities as bright clusters hundreds of miles apart. The indian government made this decision toerect floodlights along the terrain separating India […]

– 201109article 2034239 0DBC0240000

Virgin Galactic, Virgin’s commercial space flight branch, just recently announced that the first phase in the construction of the world’s first spaceport available to civilian consumers has been completed, making the ambitious project 90% complete. ‘Spaceport America’, as it’s been dubbed, is being built on an 18,000-acre site in the desolate sand plains of New […]

– 201109transparent

Just a short, offbeat fact, to remind us of the mind blowing mysteries which dwell hundreds or thousands of meters beneath the ocean waves: Macropinna microstoma, the only species of the genus Macropinna lives at about 600-800 meters below sea level. It has a small mouth, is covered almost entirely with scales, and it has […]