Home science

– 201202japan tsunami

You probably remember the massive 9.1 earthquake that struck Japan last year and the subsequent problems that followed – most notably the huge tsunamis that struck the Fukushima nuclear plant, bringing it close to a meltdown. Now, according to the first scientific assessment made on the spot, the tsunami was indeed as formidable as the […]

– 200912facebook

Facebook has already caused a major revolution in the way people regard social interaction, but really not much has been said about what your Facebook profile can say about you. It would seem obvious that people make their profiles to portray an idealized version of themselves, augmenting the parts they want augmented and eliminating the […]

– 200804fish

A University of Washington fish expert claims to have discovered a whole new species of fish, that would rather crawl into crevices than swim, and that may be able to see in the same way that humans do. Well this is certainly something unexpected, and there is no species that does the same kind of […]

– 200804sex

Penn State Erie, obviously conscious of the fact that the approaching baby boomlet in America will give it potential to swell their ranks, decided to take a stride towards fielding the best Dungeons and Dragons team in all the land by announcing the results of a study that looked into the length and perception of […]

– 200804pinguini1

Well somehow BBC always manges to find a way to surprise and thrill us; while I was browsing their site I somehow managed to not see the story about the flying penguins (no bull, just follow me). Luckily, environmental graffiti paid more attention and they found this fascinating video. Yes, penguins to take off and […]

– 200803tit

According to a new research, published in PLoS, as the total number of different species in a certain group grows, the chance of the rate of new species apprearing decreases greatly. The research team believes these findings suggest that new species appear less and less as the number of species in a region approaches the […]

– 200803display image

While you’re sitting at home (or somewhere else) enjoying your internet connection you are probably not thingking about the 1.6 billion people across the world with no access to electricity. That’s roughly 1/4 of the world’s population! Something good to think about when you’re really pissed that your computer can’t support the latest shooting game. […]

– 200802health buddy

The science of clothing has evolved greatly: we have light skiing suits that keep us warm at -20 (and more) Celsius degrees, we have clothes that allow transpiration from the inside to get out but don’t allow water from the outside to come in, and also a whole lot of other inventions which aid our […]