Energy & Environment

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A recent declaration signed by three dozen scientists presents a strong case for the belief that fish, amphibians, mollusks, and insects are aware. The New York Declaration on Animal Consciousness argues that current scientific research suggests widespread animal awareness is a “realistic possibility” — and that scientists and policymakers must take that into account when assessing risks to…

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Many former colleagues of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at a large environmental protection organization are asking the Independent presidential candidate to drop out of the race. Several current and former Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) staffers, including co-founder John Adams and President and CEO Manish Bapna, expressed their support for President Biden in the new…

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Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), a moderate Democrat who has often been at odds with the Biden administration over energy policy, offered rare praise for the president Monday amid high levels of energy production.  “I want to congratulate President Biden for the record-breaking energy production we are seeing in America today. The United States is producing…

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A volcanic eruption in Iceland sent the country into a state of emergency overnight Sunday morning as lava flows barreled towards and narrowly missed the 3,800-person town of Grindavik.  The eruption marked the fourth in three months on the Reykjanes Peninsula in Iceland’s southwest. Iceland’s Meteorological Office said the eruption began overnight, with a nearly…

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A federal court on Friday halted a new federal rule that would require publicly traded companies to reveal climate change-related information.  A panel of Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals judges issued an order that pauses the rule as litigation against it plays out.  The order, from Judges Edith Jones, Stephen Higginson, and Cory Wilson —…