Energy & Environment

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A recent declaration signed by three dozen scientists presents a strong case for the belief that fish, amphibians, mollusks, and insects are aware. The New York Declaration on Animal Consciousness argues that current scientific research suggests widespread animal awareness is a “realistic possibility” — and that scientists and policymakers must take that into account when assessing risks to…

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Many former colleagues of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. at a large environmental protection organization are asking the Independent presidential candidate to drop out of the race. Several current and former Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) staffers, including co-founder John Adams and President and CEO Manish Bapna, expressed their support for President Biden in the new…

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A judge in a federal district court has given the last go-ahead to a multi-billion-dollar settlement between public water providers impacted by persistent chemicals and the company 3M, as announced by the parties on Monday. Under the conditions of the deal, the chemical maker based in Minnesota will give these water suppliers from $10.5 billion to $12.5 billion, based on how much contamination there is and…

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The House Conservative Climate Caucus has named Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-Iowa) as its new chair, succeeding founder Rep. John Curtis (R-Utah). Miller-Meeks, who sits on the House Energy & Commerce Committee, has attended every COP climate summit since her election to the House in 2020, and has long been a proponent of fossil fuel alternatives…

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A federal court invalidated a Biden administration regulation on Wednesday requiring states and cities to set climate targets for transportation. Judge James Hendrix, a former President Trump appointee, concurred with the Republican-led states that sued over the regulation, arguing that the Biden administration did not have the authority to require them to set the targets. Hendrix…