Author: Randall Barranco

– 201109bacteria

Ever since uranium has been mined and atomic bombs have been tested, some areas have had to deal with the contamination of sediments and groundwaters by toxic soluble uranium. Now, this problem could be solved with filaments growing from a specific bacteria. Some clean-up methods already use the bacteria to solidify Uranium in sediments, but […]

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– 201109fnhum 05 00072 g001

Researchers from Princeton University recently published a study in which they show how they’ve been able to use functional magnetic resonance imaging and a computer program that condensed 3,500 Wikipedia articles to associate words to particular brain activity patterns. Basically, they were able to read thoughts. To reach this remarkable correlation, researchers first did some […]

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– 201108brown dwarf

NASA’s Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) has offered data about the coolest stars ever found until now, stars which are about as warm as you and me. Named Y dwarfs, these stars have lit the interest of astrophysicists for a long time, but it wasn’t until now that they were finally discovered and analyzed. These […]

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– 201108swift black hole eats star

For the first time in human history we have witnessed a black hole in the act of ‘eating’ a star that just got too close. So far, astronomers have only found the aftermath of such events, and they say that seeing the black hole in the act is shedding a lot of light on ‘relativistic […]

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– 201108the art of selling making money

It’s generally known that people of above-average physical looks are at a greater social advantage than people of average or sub-average appearance. Beautiful people are known to be more successful, happier and more financially fulfilled. Regarding the last part, there’s always been a controversy regarding the economics behind this kind of superficial advantage. Renowned economist […]

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– 201108space hotel 1

Russia’s space program seems do be doing quite well, which is more than we can say about other countries at the moment; they recently announced plans to build a hotel in space. According to the released plans, the hotel will orbit 217 miles above ground, and it will be able to host 7 guests in […]

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– 201108146880 perseid meteor shower

I was lucky enough this weekend to be away from the city and at an altitude of about 1800m, deep in the mountain side. The rare, clean atmosphere allowed for an uncanny view of the night sky, at least for an urbanite as myself, filled with the most distinguishable stellar bodies I’ve ever been granted […]

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– 201107trojan asteroid

A long sought after Trojan asteroid has been finally found ! Trojan asteroids share almost the same orbit as Earth, but are stable enough to avoid collision, and are dancing in the planet’s path. The asteroid, named 2010 TK7, is nearly 1,000 feet across and currently leading the Earth by about 50 million miles – […]

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