Deputy Interior Minister Chada Thaised has denied an accusation from former Special Branch officer Santhana Prayoonrat that he might be connected to a significant illegal gambling place in Bang Yai of Nonthaburi because he knows the owner.
Chada informed the media today that he does not trust Santhana at all, stating that he is not reliable and could not provide any solid proof of his alleged involvement in illegal gambling.
He explained the situation to Interior Minister Anutin Charnvirakul during their meeting yesterday, and mentioned that he does not need to explain the matter to Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin as well.
Due to his role as a law enforcement officer, Chada mentioned that it is expected that he might be implicated in illegal gambling activities.
When questioned by journalists about the issue, the prime minister commented that it is unjust to accuse Chada of involvement simply because he knows the supposed operator of the gambling place.
He also stated that the police will carry out their duty honestly and will take legal action against those involved in illegal activities, and added that he will not be bringing up the issue with Chada.